I Can Help Enquiry Service

Support For Communication Difficulties

I Can Help Enquiry Service
Not available
Available links:
Not available
Last inspection outcome:
Not Applicable
Open All Year
Eligibility / referral criteria:
Not all services apply eligibility criteria, for more information, contact direct.
Vacancy notes:
Not available
Service description:
I CAN Help Enquiry Service is a free, confidential call-back or email service from an I CAN speech and language therapist. The Enquiry Service is for parents and practitioners with any questions about a child’s communication development. The speech and language therapists on the I CAN Help Enquiry Service can help explain any part of children's talking and communication development that parents or practitioners may be concerned about. They can also talk through ‘ages and stages’ information and what parents/practitioners can do to help a child and get the right support.

I CAN’s speech and language therapists may recommend some resources and these can be sent free of charge as part of the service.
Daily session times:
Not available
Contact provider for details