Free Home To School Transport (under 16 With Additional Needs)

Home To School Transport

Free Home To School Transport (under 16 With Additional Needs)
Gateshead Council,
Civic Centre,
Regent Street,
Gateshead,NE8 1HH
0191 4333626
Not available
Available links:
Not available
Last inspection outcome:
Not Applicable
Term Time Only
Eligibility / referral criteria:
Not all services apply eligibility criteria, for more information, contact direct.
Vacancy notes:
Not available
Service description:
In a small number of cases, school pupils need help because they have additional needs. These may include school pupils:

with special educational needs (with or without statements);
with a physical disability (temporary or permanent);
with a medical/psychological condition (temporary or permanent);
with other special needs, including family circumstances.
If an application for support is agreed, the transport provided will be free and by whatever means the Local Authority (LA) considers appropriate, including:
• Taxi, bus or ambulance service commissioned by the LA
• A permit to travel on public transport
• Escort provided by the LA
• Meeting the costs of a parent/carer who makes their own escort and transport arrangements through provision of a Personal Transport Budget

If the Local Authority does not agree to provide help, the parent/carer will be informed by letter and they will have 15 days to appeal in writing against the decision. The Director of Education will consider appeals usually within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal letter. If the appeal is still unsuccessful a further assessment can be requested after 12 months has elapsed or if there is a significant change in circumstances in the meantime.

Application forms can be found online.

Daily session times:
Not available
Contact provider for details